Tom Rackley Designs

Modern Woodworking with a twist of todays trends.

Well hello. Thanks for stopping by to take a look. Here you will find available products, services, and gallery of past work. If you are interested in chatting about an idea or project just reach out.

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Why Choose Us?

Established in 2017, Tom Rackley Designs was created as a way to share my passion with the world. I found that using the skills I had in carpentry and renovations (what I have pursued all my life), I was able to add in more of my artsy side in building small woodworkings that impressed my friends and family. Since then, I've branched out from jewelry and small woodworking to bigger items such as furniture and home goods. Everyday I design and create a new piece or establish a new business relationship. Recently, we have added a lot more wood/epoxy pieces to our inventory and we have been surprised by the feedback and demand for these. 

As a small business, it's me, Tom.. my wife, Celeste.. and our young daughter Addy.. we all have our part in the pieces you see here and they contain a bit of love from all of us. 

We partner with and a portion of our proceeds go to help planting trees to offset our consumption, provide us all with cleaner air, and to ensure a greener future for the coming generations.

I'm always up for custom orders. Contact me here or directly on any social media platform. Thanks for taking a look and for supporting our small business.

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